Although it took effect yesterday antifumado law, the Government has not yet defined how to make the corresponding payment of fines imposed.
"The General Law on Control of Harmful Effects Snuff and Health in effect since already, the places where smoking is not clearly established, but we have three months to regulate issues concerning the collection of fines," said Castro.
Places. Determined Anti-smoking law that banned smoking sites include bus stops and taxis, restaurants, bars, workplaces and telephone booths.
Castro explained that the regulation is advanced and will be public consultation within a month, but the details do not prevent from and can enforce the law.
"The issue of payment of the penalty is delayed by the internal procedure to see how it applies, the most important part is educating people," Castro added.
Although Health spokesman said yesterday that police can arrest any citizen who is smoking in a bus stop and apply a fine, Juan José Andrade, director of the security forces said they expect the regulations to comply with smoking ban
"With the regulations will establish protocols for implementing the law. When ready the statute, act, "said Andrade.
On this, Castro said that Andrade is wrong and invited him to read the transient II of the Act in question, which specifies that this has already come into force.
"The implementation of the rules has nothing to do with the law is enforced. The police have to appropriate sanctions, "he said Castro.
New posters. The Ministry of Health turned to commercial instructions to remove old labels and smoking areas changed by the new poster: "No smoking, snuff-free environment."
People can download this poster and the text of the law antifumado on the website of the Ministry of
Exteriorized Castro that the intention is to educate the public about the harmful effects of snuff. For this reason, the proposed works in the information must have the packs of cigarettes to raise awareness.
One alternative is that both sides of the packs have images that expose the harmful effects of snuff.
Failure to comply with the law carries penalties antifumado with fines ranging from 10% of basic salary of a clerk of the Judiciary Category 1 (¢ 360,600) to the closure of premises, including workplaces.